Professional Learning Personalized

PERMA-nent Boost Series:  Meaning

Imagine waking up each morning feeling excited about the day ahead. Not just because of that first cup of coffee, but because you have a strong sense of purpose. This is the power of meaning, the “M” in the PERMA model. It’s about feeling like your life has value, that your actions contribute to something bigger. As SLPs, we often find meaning in helping others communicate effectively. But where does meaning come from in other areas of your life?

Today, we delve into the “M” of PERMA and explore how to cultivate a deep sense of meaning that fuels your personal and professional journey.

Definition and Components

Meaning refers to having a sense of purpose and direction in life. It involves feeling that your life is valuable and that you are part of something bigger than yourself. According to Seligman, meaning can be derived from various sources such as personal relationships, professional achievements, religious beliefs, or contributing to the community.  (See that clear interaction mentioned?  Meaning (the M) can be derived from relationships (the R) or achievements (to be discussed next under A for achievement).)

Key words to keep in the back of your mind…

Purpose:  A sense of direction and goals that provide a framework for your actions.

Significance:  The belief that what you do matters and has an impact on others or the world.

Transcendence:  Feeling connected to something greater than oneself, whether it be a cause, a community, or a belief system.

Strategies for Building and Nurturing Personal Meaning

Building and nurturing personal meaning involves finding and engaging in activities that resonate with your core values and passions. Here are some strategies to enhance your personal sense of meaning:

  • Spend time identifying what truly matters to you. Understanding your core values can guide your actions and decisions.
  • Create a compelling vision.  As I have mentioned before, I am a devotee of the system set by the book The 12 Week Year. Here are some of the probing questions they ask when guiding you through developing your vision:
    • What legacy do you want to create?
    • What do you want for yourself and for your family?
    • What level of income and fulfillment do you want from your career?
    • What interests do you wish you could pursue?
    • What do you really want to do with the time you have been allotted?
  • Establish meaningful personal goals that align with your values and passions. Working towards these goals can provide a sense of direction and purpose.
  • Contribute to causes that you care about to enhance your sense of purpose and connection to a larger community.
  • Cultivate and maintain deep, meaningful relationships with family and friends. These connections provide both support and a sense of belonging.
  • Practice gratitude regularly.  Appreciate the meaningful aspects of your life. This practice can enhance your sense of fulfillment and purpose.

Strategies for Building and Nurturing Professional Meaning

Finding meaning in your professional life is crucial for overall well-being and job satisfaction. Here are some ways to cultivate a sense of meaning in your work:

  • Seek out roles and projects that align with your values and passions. This alignment can make your work feel more meaningful.
  • Pursue ongoing professional learning.  As you continuously develop your skills and knowledge to become better at what you do, mastery enhances your sense of purpose and contribution.
  • Mentor others.  Helping others to grow and sharing your knowledge and experience can provide a sense of fulfillment and significance.
  • Connect with your organization’s mission.  Seeing how your work contributes to a larger purpose can enhance your sense of meaning.  It can also help with looking around the politics or other “funny stuff” that can cause hiccups and help with refocusing on what you came here to do.
  • Celebrate achievements.  Recognize and celebrate both small and large achievements in your professional life. This reinforces the significance of your efforts and contributions.

Role of Meaning in Overall Well-being

Meaning plays a vital role in overall well-being and life satisfaction. A strong sense of meaning is associated with:

  • Resilience!  This helps you navigate through challenges and setbacks. It provides motivation and a reason to keep going during tough times. 
  • A sense of fulfillment and happiness. It gives your life direction and significance.
  • Lower levels of depression and anxiety. It can provide a buffer against stress and promote mental well-being.
  • Longevity!  Individuals with a strong sense of purpose tend to live longer and have better overall health. Meaningful activities promote healthy behaviors.

Finding meaning is a continuous journey, not a destination. It involves self-reflection, exploration, and aligning your actions with your values. By implementing the strategies discussed, you can cultivate a sense of purpose that propels you forward, leading to a more fulfilling and joyful life.

What’s your “why”?