Professional Learning Personalized

The PERMA Model as My North Star

Have you ever wondered what truly constitutes a fulfilling life? A life filled with joy, purpose, and growth? 

Well, I think I found the recipe!  When I found myself experiencing some serious professional burnout, I did a lot of researching and experimenting.  The PERMA model, a framework developed by renowned psychologist Martin Seligman, has been my guiding star in navigating both personal and professional fulfillment. It is more than just a theory.  It’s a practical recipe or roadmap to well-being. 

Research has supported the idea that the combination of the PERMA components can prognosticate health and success.  We will start here with a quick definition of each and each week we will dive into specific strategies for each:

Positive Emotions:  This refers to the experience of happiness, joy, contentment, and other uplifting emotions. According to Martin Seligman, who developed the PERMA model, cultivating positive emotions is essential for enhancing well-being and flourishing in life. These emotions help individuals build resilience, improve mental health, and create a more fulfilling life.

Engagement:  Engagement refers to being deeply involved in activities that fully absorb your attention, often leading to a state of flow where time seems to stand still. This could involve work, hobbies, or any activity where you’re fully immersed and using your skills. Engagement is important for well-being because it helps you feel fulfilled and motivated, contributing to a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Relationships:  Relationships refers to the importance of having strong, positive connections with others. Healthy relationships with family, friends, colleagues, and community members are crucial for overall well-being and contribute significantly to one’s sense of happiness and fulfillment. These connections provide support, love, and a sense of belonging, which are essential for flourishing in life.

Meaning:  Meaning refers to having a sense of purpose and feeling that your life has significance. It involves being connected to something larger than yourself, such as a cause, belief system, or community, which provides direction and motivation in life.  Meaning is about finding what makes life valuable to you, whether it’s through work, relationships, personal beliefs, or contributions to society. It’s one of the key components that contribute to overall well-being and happiness.

Accomplishment (sometimes referred to as Achievement): This represents the sense of mastery, success, and competence that comes from achieving goals, making progress, and being productive. Accomplishment is about having the drive to achieve and the satisfaction that comes from completing tasks, setting and meeting goals, and feeling a sense of purpose and success in various areas of life. Pursuing and achieving goals gives us a sense of achievement and fulfillment. Accomplishment is not only about reaching the end but also about the effort and growth involved in striving towards our objectives.

The PERMA model has been a transformative framework for me. It has helped me build a fulfilling life, create meaningful connections, and inspire others to do the same. I believe that by understanding and applying the principles of PERMA, we can all experience greater happiness, well-being, and success.

Would you like to delve deeper into a specific aspect of the PERMA model?

Join me as we explore each element of the PERMA model, discover practical strategies for enhancing well-being, and embark on a journey toward a more fulfilling and thriving life. Together, we can create a professional and personal life that not only survives but truly flourishes.